Missional Lawyering
What is Missional Lawyering? It is a philosophy of practice that strives to promote servant leadership while offering a holistic approach to the attorney-client relationship by addressing more than just a client’s legal needs. The license granted lawyers by the State of North Carolina states “Attorney and Counselor at Law”. As Missional Lawyers, we take our obligation to also be counselors seriously. We walk alongside our clients not only as a trusted legal advisor but are always sensitive to all the concerns of our clients’ lives. Missional Lawyering is rooted in the belief that law is truly a calling, not just a profession.
Missional Lawyering offers a better approach to the provision of legal services by emphasizing the dignity and relationship that we all share as human beings who bear the Image of God. Much of what we do in this profession is adversarial and full of conflict and dispute. We believe that not only does each client have value, but so do opposing parties and counsel. We treat all parties involved, as well as the process itself, with the honesty and respect that each deserves and believe that we best serve our clients by doing so.