Divorce, custody, and other related matters can be frustrating, scary, and emotionally draining.   Often people are left broken and lonely while at the same time numerous decisions must be made which impact their financial future and the future of their children.  We understand.  We’ve been there.  A client needs more than just advice.  We strive to give our clients involved in family law disputes not just legal counsel, but emotional support, resources, and an objective point of view on their particular issue.  While it may not be what a client wants to hear, every client will get our honest legal evaluation and advice on where we are and how to get where we want to go.

As Christian attorneys, we believe all people are made in God's image, however, we are all broken and our lives are sometimes not what we had envisioned.  Each person has unique and valuable qualities; clients, mothers, fathers, and children.  We are committed to treating every client with the same care and respect we would expect for ourselves.

Below are some of the specific family law issues that we handle.

Divorce & Family Law Services



