Child support is a monetary obligation owed by both parents to support the well-being of their child until the child reaches the age of majority (with a few exceptions).  The non-custodial parent is generally required to pay the custodial parent to provide for the needs of their minor child or children.  

Post-separation support and alimony are monetary obligations owed by a supporting spouse to a dependent spouse after they separate.  There is usually no such obligation if the couple has never married. 

Frequently asked questions:

My ex is intentionally not working to avoid paying me support. What can I do?

The courts are aware that this problem exists and can impute income to a spouse or parent who is voluntarily unemployed to use in the support analysis. Such imputation will be made based upon the party's earning history and potential to earn. This remedy is available for post-separation support as well as child support.

I'm separating and need to keep my health insurance. What can I do?

The court may award that the supporting spouse continue health insurance coverage for the dependent spouse and children as part of a PSS award. The court also may award a monetary payment to the dependent spouse so that they may purchase insurance to cover their needs.

My spouse is accusing me of adultery. Can I still receive alimony?

This depends on whether or not such adultery can be proven. In civil court the standards of proof are lower than in criminal court so this may be a costly concern. It is best that we sit down and discuss all of the facts of the matter. Adultery is a bar to alimony, with limited exceptions.