Contracting is a tough business with little room for margin and even less for error and liability. I owned and/or ran large contracting firms for twenty years prior to becoming an attorney. I learned a great deal during the growth cycles and learned much more during the downturns, especially the Great Recession. There are many practices that contractors can implement which can save a great deal of money, time, and headache, especially when things turn bad. I have created a package of services that I call the Contractor Check Up to help contractors maximize their profitability while minimizing their risks. I've learned the lessons, many of them the hard way, and I use this experience to review a contractor's profitability and risk and to recommend improvements to both. I will come to your office and will generate recommendations in problem areas based on the following reviews that I will do as part of the Contractor Check-up.


Contractor Check-Up

  • Review of Overhead Management
  • Review of Job Cost Management
  • Review of Standard Contracts
    • Sub-Contracts
    • Purchase Agreements
  • Review of Change Order Procedures
  • Review of Policy and Procedure Manuals


All of these services are provided for a flat fee starting at only $995.00! This is a full day of services for less than half of my usual billing rate. Of course, I will be happy to handle any other matters that you may presently have or any issues that arise during the review *. I will provide a written report of my review along with specific recommendations and will remain available to answer any questions that you may have regarding the review or changes you may want to implement as a result. I have designed this package to help contractors become aware of things that I wish I would have known when I was in the business that could have saved me a great deal of money.

I want to be YOUR attorney and to help make your business the most profitable that it can be.

* Work not specifically listed in the above description will be done at additional cost.